On a mission to support future generations

We have come together as a yurahu (family) to be a bridge between the Yawanawa and Canada/North America. We seek to build a global alliance of people who hear the call to help, who understand the importance of the Amazon rainforest, and who endeavour to preserve Indigenous knowledge. We have committed to supporting the Yawanawa Ni’Pei Garden of Medicines as our first project.

About our projects

Our Values

AYA was born out of an inspiration that indigenous traditional knowledge is important to preserve as it shows us the way of the future on how to overcome adversity through courage, strength, and perseverance. We align our values to guide our path and assist us in growth and transformation through our efforts as a team, supporting the collective vision in alliance with the Yawanawá.

  • Reciprocity

    We align with the universal flow of reciprocity for the mutual benefit of our planet, nations, and indigenous populations. Through cultural exchange, we align with the spirit of aliveness and vitality to continuously feed the need of the planet sustainably.

  • Family

    We align with the value of the universal family where out connection to each other can foster deep meaningful connections where caring, giving, supporting, encouraging and uniting can serve the greater whole in a sustainable way.

  • Respect

    We align with the value of respect for ourselves, our friends and family, our communities, our neighbours, the indigenous and the world. May we model respectful relationships with each other where each voice is heard, acknowledged, and respected for us to maintain a level of harmony, union and accord.

  • Bahar Ghafelehbashi

  • Joanna Simundic

  • Samantha Seabrook

  • Angelique Watson

  • Kenewma Yawanawa

  • Mariazinha Yawanawa

  • Jordao de Souza

  • Soheil Samimi